Exhibition Type:
How many exhibition works:
- 10 - 19
Exhibition Total Value:
- $5k - $10k
Plein Air Painting Exhibit Roy G Biv Gallery
June 12 - August 8, 2020
Pre-garden tour event to promote the 5th annual Franklinton Garden & Art Tour on July 12, 2020. This garden art exhibit will run June 12 - August 8 or until art is sold out. Cash and carry at Roy G Biv Gallery at 435 W. Rich St. Columbus, OH 43215.
(614) 297-7694.
Hours: Wed - Sun 12 - 6pm.
On display are works from nature/local gardens by artists in The Central Ohio Plein Air Society – Artists Painting Nature, done in Franklinton on May 2. Artists will create new paintings on July 12, during the Garden & Art Tour. Rain or Shine unless Columbus is in quarantine. Social Distancing practiced.
Curator :
435 W Rich St
Columbus, OH 43215
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