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emBrace Pattern Design Competition (no entry fee)

Submitted by embracecomp on 13 February 2022 - 10:09pm





Entry Fee:

Monday, 28 February 2022

  Calling all artists, age 16 and older, for the emBrace competition! We need fresh new repeating pattern designs. We are looking for modern fashionable patterns. The winning pattern designs will be transferred onto the surface of back braces and worn by teenage girls.


Media: Digital media, graphic design, web print, pattern design 

Categories: ​

Junior (16-19 years old)

Adult (20+ years old) 

Winning entries are eligible for cash prizes totaling $5,000. Additionally, their pattern will be included in the upcoming Friddles back brace design collection. View more information about awards and cash prizes by clicking on the button below. 

How to Apply: 

1. Send designs to

2. Make the subject header 2022 Competition Entry

3. The email should include: 

Applicant Name

Category (see categories below)

Phone number

4. Upload your pattern design as a pdf or jpeg. Feel free to add a name for your design. 


Email all inquiries to:

Ava Lee - Founder:

New Canaan