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home away from closing listening party



Sunday, 13 August 2017
Sunday, 13 August 2017 - 6:00pm to 9:00pm

home away from

Closing Listening Party

Sunday August 13, 2017 6PM

Come celebrate the closing of this year’s summer residency exhibition by Jimena Sarno, home away from. Explore this immersive installation one last time with live sound interventions by Jimena Sarno and guests artists Cay Castagnetto and Arshia Haq. In collaboration with VOLUME.

home away from addresses experiences of borders, displacement, and immigration procedures as they manifest in the everyday lives of immigrants. Jimena Sarno has created, designed, and built home away from during her summer residency. The installation occupies the entire main gallery with a permeable wooden structure — with a single entrance and circumventable from outside — that filters light through its gaps and produces oscillating shadows. Two video projections depicting details of self portraits by immigrant youth shelter the central structure.

Click here for more information on the exhibition.

Artist ( Description ): 

Jimena Sarno is a multidisciplinary artist and organizer. She works across a range of media including installation, sound, video, text and sculpture. Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina and currently living in Los Angeles, her experience as a South American immigrant informs her practice. She is the organizer of analog dissident, a monthly discussion gathering that features two invited artists and encourages intersectional approaches and critical engagement outside of traditional art institutions. Her work has been exhibited at LACE, PØST, Human Resources, UCI Contemporary Art Center, Control Room, Fellows of Contemporary Art and Grand Central Art Center among others. She is the recipient of the 2015 California Community Foundation Fellowship for Visual Artists.

Always stemming from personal experience, her work takes shape as installations where she builds, rearranges and re-contextualizes objects, images, sound and found text into constellations of new relationships. Through the material process of building objects and environments, she retraces the practical and aesthetic considerations of systems of control—from the increasing abstraction of preemptive warfare, mainstream media distortion and every day corporate and government tracking to the idea of the good citizen and the criminalization of dissent.

Cay Castagnetto multidisciplinary artist,  lives and works in Twentynine Palms, CA. She performed at the Getty Center with MAL PAIS, in collaboration with MPA and Math Bass. She has particpated in collective projects like New Dawn. Curated by Leidy Churchman. Silverkuppe, Berlin.

Arshia Haq is an audiovisual and performance artist, filmmaker, writer and DJ based in Los Angeles. She is the founder of Discostan, which presents musical narratives from North Africa, the Middle East, South and Southeast Asia. Narrative threads include migration, nostalgia, homeland, borders, often within realms of Islamic influence, through lenses of traditional forms and kaleidoscopic reinventions of pop culture. Her work has shown at MOMA New York, Hammer Museum, Centres George Pompidou, Toronto International Film Festival, and LAX Art, amongst others. She has also recently released an album of her field recordings from Pakistan on the Sublime Frequencies label.

(323) 957-1777
Venue ( Address ): 

Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions (LACE) 


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