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The Good-For-Nothing Screening Room




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Wednesday, 18 April 2018 to Monday, 23 April 2018
Tuesday, 17 April 2018 - 6:00pm to 9:00pm

T H E   G O O D – F O R – N O T H I N G

S C R E E N I N G   R O O M


A survey of the lyrical outsider in contemporary neo-capitalism through artist moving image.


Artists: Oisín Byrne, Zinna Bright Mac-Eochaidh, Benji Jeffrey,  Sara Procter, Kerstin Recker


Curated / Coordinated by: Marian Stindt


Private View: 17. May 6-9 p.m.


18.-23. May, 2-8 p.m.

Closed on Sunday & Monday 


In his 1869 novel, The Idiot, Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky tells the fictional story of Prince Myshkin, a foolishly honest and  naïve character placed in the salon society of 1860s St. Petersburg. He struggles to lie, won’t get involved with corruption and refuses to use his power for financial gain, wherefore he is referred to as idiot in the sense of a mentality disadvantaged person. At the same time, he is confronted with a society dominated by social hierarchies and meritocracy. Personal and social tensions, contradictions and suffering a result from these structures. Prince Myshkins inability to operate within this society pushes him to seek refuge in isolation.

 Within the same century, Joseph von Eichendorffcreated a similar fictional character in From the Life of a Good-For-Nothing (1826), who also disdains philistinism and prefers a financially poor but culturally rich lifestyle over the principles of chastity and pretence. He finds enjoyment in music, art and nature, things, the general working public considers insignificant. 

These rather anachronistic references portray heroes who feel alienated by a performance system and  incapable to operate within social structures which value an individual’s productivity and success over its ethics. Those two lyrical figures are not an individual cases. Examining literature from the nineteenth century, the lyrical outsider, someone unwilling to function within a system that is treasuring economics over ethics, was a common motif. “Having studied the lives and works of Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, James, H. Hesse, G. I. Gurdjieff, H. G. Wells, and Sartre, Colin Wilson defined the Outsideras the one man [ / woman ] who knows he [ / she] is sick in a civilization that does not know it is sick. The suffering Outsider seeks an essentially religious answer to the crisis of value and the loss of individual worth in a secular society.[1]”


This makes the idiota hero.


Just like the novels, theGood-For-Nothing Screening Room doesn’t dwell on the sickness within a neo-capitalistic system, but on ways of bypassing, resisting and satirising it. In Paul Rudnick’s words:“Comedy is often the only feasible antidote to a completely justifiable, but not very entertaining hopelessness. Sometimes a wisecrack is a weapon.”

            The tensions which the ‘idiotic’, lyrical figures face are reflected in social problematics and mental health issues of young individuals today. The Good-For Nothing-Screening Room serves as a refuge space for the contemporary Idiot. The space displays artists’ moving image that humorously mirror society and its ethical flaws. The portraits drawn in those works reach from hilarious, tongue in cheek and bittersweet, often narrated from a personal point of view that invites the viewer to identify with an ‘idiotic’ hero. Enjoyment without academic or intellectual purposes is strictly allowed in the Good-For-Nothing-Screening Room. Besides humorous aspects, the artist’s works offer pointed social critique, satirical reproach to capitalism and surreal visions of the future.

As all works are time-based, the beholder is invited to ‘waste’ precious time, to be unproductive and to engage with film and artists’ moving image for the sake of nothing but pleasure and reflection. This requires slowing down and in the playful spirit of the homo ludens,to rediscover potential in leisure. Allow yourself to engage in inefficiency and waste and afternoon in the Good-For-Nothing Screening Room. 


It is about time to embrace idiocy. 


Curator :

Venue ( Address ): 

50 Resolution Way 




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