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Countee Cullen Library stands on the former site of the mansion of A’lelia Walker. She was a patron of the arts and her mansion became a gathering place for the Harlem Renaissance artists and writers. In “Dreams in a Silken Cloth” Art show, the artist continues the interaction with the poet by including readings of his poems in the programming.
On May 15 and May 29, 2019 from 5:30 – 6:45 pm the artist will give an art talk. Members of the community are invited to participate by reading their favorite Countee Cullen’s poems.
Artist Rossella BLUE Mocerino has held solo exhibitions both in New York and in Venice and will be exhibiting at Countee Cullen Library in Harlem with a show entitled, “Dreams in a Silken Cloth”. The title comes from an epitaph by the great Harlem Renaissance poet Countee Cullen.
Rossella BLUE’s work is highly influenced by the masked figures of the Venice Carnival and her keen desire to create work which inspires magic, mystery and passion. She considers herself a colorist and will accept the label “figurative art” but rejects the label ”realism” as she believes art is not about reflecting reality. In this current show, the artist will display her first triptych, “To Paradise and Back”.
104 W 136th St, New York, NY 10030