Exhibition Type:

Tu e s d a y M a y 7 t h - S a t u r d a y M a y 2 5 t h, 2 0 2 4
O p e n i n g Re c e p t i o n: T h u r s d a y M a y 9 t h , 6 - 8 P M
Atlantic Gallery is pleased to announce the opening of SEEING WHAT HAPPENS, an immersive exhibition of monotypes by Arlene Farenci, on view from Tuesday, May 7th through Saturday, May 25th, 2024. A reception for the artist will be held on Thursday, May 9th from 6:00 to 8:00 pm.
The title of the show, SEEING WHAT HAPPENS, refers to Arlene’s embrace of a symbiotic relationship between spontaneous painting and the unpredictability of monotype printmaking. She paints with ink onto a plexiglass plate using an array of tools—brushes,
sponges, rollers, and spatulas—pushing and carving out layers of color in a playful, sometimes whimsical way. The plate is then put through a press which reveals marks and textures that are inherently unique to the monotype process. The show is comprised of works created from 2021 to 2023.
Arlene earned her BS in Fine Arts at CUNY Hunter College. She received additional printmaking education at the Robert Blackburn Workshop, the Manhattan Graphics Center, and workshops in monotype printmaking with master printers Anthony Kirk and Michael Costello. Her work has been recognized in numerous group exhibitions, including the BWAC Print 2021 exhibition at the Brooklyn Waterfront Artists Coalition, where she earned the Best of Show Silver Medal, and the 10th Annual Juried Summer Exhibition at Greenwich Art
Society in Greenwich, Conn., where she was honored with the Sonja Gerquest Memorial Award. Her work has been showcased in exhibitions at the Blue Mountain Gallery, Prince Street Gallery and Atlantic Gallery in Chelsea.
548 West 28th Street, Suite 540
New York, NY 10001
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