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Simplicity as a Way to Mastery



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Saturday, 10 September 2022 to Sunday, 2 October 2022
Saturday, 10 September 2022 - 6:00pm to 8:00pm

Simplicity as a Way to Mastery
Hugo Galerie - Soho
Featuring Christa Kirova
September 10th, 2022 – October 2nd, 2022

HUGO GALERIE is pleased to present Simplicity as a Way to Mastery , a solo exhibition featuring the art of Christa Kirova. This body of work supports her thesis that “classic painting has always been and will forever be a synonym of mastery.” But it is not a mastery of artistic practice that she references. Kirova’s vision is more profound than that. She strives for mastery of human expression. The ability to communicate emotion.

Kirova’s allegorical compositions reinforce fundamental truths: the hospitable presence of huddled fruit on a tabletop, the charming disarray of loosely moored boats, the welcome
warmth of human comfort. It is all just so natural. None too poised yet not out of place, either. Hers is a modern perspective of traditional motifs, edited and elegant. The necessary details without the clutter. The recognizable elements without the cliche. Kirova depicts our life as we know it—not our life , but as we know it . The emotional tenor of what it means to be alive. The subject of her art is not simply what is painted, but simplified to what her paintings make you feel.

Core colors of her repertoire repeat, creating a coordinated effect—as if this collection is an illustration of a larger narrative. The story of humanity, perhaps. Or a regular Wednesday. The grandeur is unimportant. What matters is the relevance. The legibility. Her audience’s ability to connect with her painting is Kirova’s grail. Have you toiled in a field to harvest a winter’s worth of sustenance before the first frost? Perhaps not. But have you labored long hours to meet a deadline, launch a project, or finalize an idea? Undoubtedly. Been revived by a walk in the countryside? Who hasn’t. Felt the compassion of a mother, child, or friend? It is life-giving. Kirova’s simplified colorfield builds a bond among her works, reminding us that these
moments are not singular concepts but chapters of life’s experience we all share.

Strong brushstrokes, limited subjects, and tightly framed perspectives yield emotional canvases. Each is a catharsis, a resolute expression of tension and beauty. Her surfaces are textured with intent. Layers of directional color play tricks on your eyes, causing water and tall grass to ripple, tablecloths and skirts to waft, light and shadow to sway. Base colors not only create depth but also evidence the artist’s thoughtful application that imbues a pulse to each work. Kirova’s subjects might at first appear expansive—landscape, portraiture, and still-life leave little else to paint. But upon closer inspection... much is the same. The scenery, the fruits, the women, the furniture. Even the green, corked bottle. They become mantras. And her focused scope cuts out the periphery, reduces the noise, removes the distraction.

Kirova exerts such control that it is almost brutal, but not indelicate. Above all else, it is purposeful. These are logical decisions that induce emotional responses. Her distilled subject matter, color choices, and technique inspire an emotional clarity that is meditative. It feels cleansing. It is centering. It demonstrates an interconnectedness: of her work, yes, but of her audience most of all.

HUGO GALERIE is a fine art gallery in New York City specializing in contemporary figurative painting and sculpture. The gallery represents an international roster of artists working in a variety of media and range of genres. Please direct inquiries to 

Curator :

Artist ( Description ): 

Christa Kirova formally studied painting and earned her PhD from New Bulgarian University in the country’s capitol of Sofia. She wrote her dissertation on “the expressive statements in art from the end of the 20th century to the beginning of the 21st century.” In the years since completing her education, she has focused on exhibiting her artwork. Her oil paintings of landscapes, portraits, and still life compositions have a beautiful and graceful severity.

Kirova is inspired by the cravings of the French impressionists, German expressionists, and Russian classicists. Yet her own style does not imitate or conform to a particular set of characteristics but is formed as a result of her artistic sensitivity and curiosity. She resists classification. Kirova experiments with the formally defined elements of art—color, composition, and texture—in order to solve visual tensions. In her art, the formalities of modern painting are combined with an expressive aesthetic and perception of the world that is equally rational and poetic. Despite her fickle allegiance to realism, or maybe because of it, her work remains sincere. Kirova’s goal is to provoke an emotional response from the viewer and a personal connection to the characters and vistas of her canvases.

(212) 226-2262
Venue ( Address ): 


Hugo Galerie , New York

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