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Country: United States
City: Chicago
Category: Art Gallery
Address: 1800 W Cornelia #205 Chicago IL 60657

- About -

ABOUT K¡NET!C ART PROJECTS K¡net!c Art Projects got started with an invitation to reside, explore and expand a space at the Zhou Brothers Art Center in Chicago. The New Media and Performance Art Room was activated with the assistance of colleagues, a line up of performance, video and other media artists, all of whom were presented over a period of 15 months. Through the duration of the residency, a blog was created to document all art projects presented and curated, and eventually propelled the launching of the Twisted Oyster Film Festival and gave way to UnLock Hause.
Today, both of these curatorial endeavors, showcase diverse emerging time-based, virtual, performance artists and filmmakers from all around the world. K¡net!c Art Projects is committed to explore public and private spaces through art, culture and technology with curatorial projects presenting video, performance, installation, 2-d and film works. Pia Cruzalegui, MFA Founder and Director